Golf-Boys Plymouth High School

Golf - Boys Senior Night Vs Tippy Valley

By Brent Corbett | May 24, 2024 10:43 AM


The Pilgrim golf team honored their seniors Thursday night against Tippy Valley at Pretty Lake Golf Club. The Pilgrims were originally suppose to play the Culver Academy Eagles but a schedule mishap changed for each team and luckily the Pilgrims were able to find an opponent in Tippy Valley. The Senior members of the team that were honored were Easton Tapia, Ryan Tremaine, Davis Yoder, Amro Yasin, and Diego Gifford. Coach Troyer was stated in saying, "We had a great group of Seniors and it was an honor to watch them and play together tonight." The Pilgrims would shoot a team score of 157 which was just not good enough to be the visiting Vikings who shot a team score of 152 for the Varsity while the JV Pilgrims shot a 176 and defeated the JV Vikings who shot a 216. For the Varsity Dan Nguyen led the Pilgrims shooting a 35, O'Malley Holm shot a 39, Ben Nguyen 40, Easton Tapia 43 and Caleb Harland shot a 44. For the JV Chase Bowling and Amro Yasin both shot a 39, Davis Yoder 43, Bryce Busse and Davis Jones 43, and Ryan Tremaine a 48. The Varsity Pilgrims will travel to Warsaw to be in the Warsaw Invite before Sectionals next week.